Building an innovative
insurance distribution firm
Our History of Providing Innovative
Life and Annuity Wholesaling
We align the interests of organizations, advisers, and clients

Institutions Face A Financial Crisis
The collapse of the Lehman Brothers and the mortgage market meltdown begins the U.S.’ worst economic time since the Great Depression. Individuals face loss of jobs and retirement savings. Many lose faith in the financial industry and seek “safer” options for their money.

Industry Life Sales Remain Flat
Despite enormous unmet needs, industry life insurance sales remain flat over the prior year. The expertise required deters many financial advisors from addressing protection, wealth transfer and tax-planning needs. Many large institutions need help serving the insurance and annuity needs of their clients.

New Distribution Company Launches
Saybrus Partners is formed by an energetic group of insurance and annuity professionals known for their expertise and track record of success. The team’s previous employer, The Phoenix Companies, is a major investor in the new company. Representing several insurance carriers, Saybrus brings a boutique model to institutions, delivering customized support, proactive consultation and transparent, centralized management.

Deploys Talent Across Three Institutions
Saybrus initiates partnerships with two leading financial institutions to provide nationwide life insurance sales support. Its unique dedicated model and proprietary process gains immediate traction with Advisors seeking a reliable partner to provide quality life insurance consultation. At the same time, Saybrus works with Phoenix to design and launch a new class of Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs) for the independent agent market.

FIAS Carry Broad Appeal
People nearing or already in retirement begin again to look for growth potential, yet must protect the money they have. Saybrus Partners achieves nearly $1 billion in annual sales of Phoenix’s new suite of FIAs. As the first of the Baby Boomers turn 65, the companies collaborate again to create an annuity with enhanced benefits for long-term care needs.

Expansion into Property/Casualty Channel
Like financial institutions, property/casualty insurers seek to broaden their offering to better serve their clients, enhance retention and improve agent satisfaction. Saybrus launches a national team of wealth management consultants to assist P&C agents in cultivating life insurance opportunities. Customized training and marketing programs support the effort to yield impressive agent adoption and paid business results.

Nassau Re acquires Phoenix and takes the company private. Saybrus Partners also becomes a direct subsidiary of Nassau Re, which is later renamed Nassau.

Saybrus builds out life insurance new business case management teams and operations in alignment with changes at select partners. Characteristic of Saybrus’ customized partnership approach, these new teams strive to deliver best-in-class customer service, speed to issue and underwriting facilitation.

Forging New Market Partnerships
Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs) continue to grow in popularity with consumers and advisors, reaching $58.2 billion in sales in 2016. Saybrus focuses on helping banks and broker-dealers to capture the growing trend, with dedicated wholesaling teams representing major FIA carriers.

As distribution of fixed indexed annuities continues to broaden, Saybrus acquires Dedicated Distribution Partners. The transaction expands Saybrus’ footprint with exclusive representation within leading national broker dealers and adds the strength of Saybrus’ infrastructure and brand to DDP’s partnerships. DDP and Saybrus’ Institutional Annuity teams merge under Saybrus’ name.

Saybrus becomes an independent AmeriLife affiliate and returns to the Celtic knot logo as its mark. Read more here.